Monday, July 15, 2013

Science is ...Relevant, Interesting, and Beautiful

I've been struggling with why, to me, science and its various disciplines seem rather ugly, cold, and generally removed from what I find aesthetically appealing.  It seems off-kilter, because the shapes, patterns, and themes of nature are so appealing to me, and science is one of the many fields that explores and explains natural phenomena.  As a biology teacher, I hear students tell me that science is difficult, unapproachable, and vaguely political and suspect.  I want to hear that science is relevant, interesting, and yes, beautiful too.  So that's what I want to work on...

I've been lucky enough over the years to learn a bit about the nature of science,
enough to chunk this massive field into four major themes: scientific knowledge,
scientific inquiry, science connections, and the characteristics of scientists.

Each theme leads to even more categories.  I'm thinking of selecting
a bunch and celebrating back-to-school September with a series of
blog art & writing vignettes on what "Science Is..."

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