Sunday, September 1, 2013

Nature of Science Themes

Project #1 this year is illuminating science characteristics;
selecting statements about science and finding objects that
pictorially support each statement.  Basically I'm packaging
 each message in a painting with illuminated calligraphy. The
statements are organized under four science themes:
Scientific Knowledge,
Scientific Inquiry,
Connections with other Disciplines,
 and the Science Community.

For instance,under Scientific Knowledge, one of the statements is
"Scientific Knowledge is Durable" and the three representative objects
are a rock (stability), a ruler (approximation), and an old microscope
(modification). Eventually a course website link will elaborate on
each of these ideas.

I 've written my 28 statements, and am now selecting the objects that
symbolically support these ideas, developing a separate page layout
(calligraphy + painting) for each statement.

I'm playing around with how 28 of these plus an interpretive sign
will fit in a display case. They will probably be
smaller copies of the originals.

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