Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Palette of Words

I've been sick enough for the past week that its
been mostly sleeping, reading, watching TV, and
back to sleeping.

 Perfect for my diminished attention span has been
Writing Tools: 50 Essential Strategies.  The literary
examples remind me why I love to read and make a
compelling case that great writing is achievable.

 Spunk & Bite has been haunting my (feverish) dreams.
Writing can be bright, bold, and unconventional,
and this author brings it on.

So I've been collecting my writer's words like I collected
acrylics, watercolors, pencils, and other pigments.
Mark calls this my "palette of words."

1 comment:

  1. hope you're doing fine again - with spring and all its creativity, colors & inspirations bubbling up continuosly everywhere, also via a new "word palette".
    love your art insigths which i follow with almost as much interest as the boy's adventures! ;-)
